Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ospreycam is back!

Hi All,
Just a quick note the webcam is back up and streaming live. The adults have lost the smallest of the chicks--three chicks rarely survive to fledging (of course anything is possible). In fact, some researchers consider the third egg like a type of insurance policy against one of the eggs not hatching. So, the good news is that there are two healthy osprey chicks for you to check up on.
I'll post again soon. Just a quick update. Enjoy!
All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Intitute

Thursday, May 27, 2010

First osprey egg hatches! Confirmed on May 26, 2010

Hi All,

Yes, this is fantastic news! The first chick hatched yesterday and awaits siblings. Check out he live webcam at for a first hand look!

More to come soon.

Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Watch out for hatching osprey eggs!

Hi All,
We are at about 30 days of incubation so keep a close eye on these ospreys as eggs could hatch soon! So far these birds have been very attentive to the their incubation duties! Hopefully we will catch a glimpse of eggs soon.
All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Two eggs!

These Ospreys have set to work. By my count the ospreys have required only eleven days from their arrival on site (4/7) to laying their first egg (4/18). Some may agree that this is remarkable pace and might be yet another indicator of the early spring we appear to be having in Maine. Ospreys typically incubate eggs for about 35 days. Until then you can expect these birds to defend their eggs and nest territory from scavengers such as gulls, crows, and even eagles! Watching these active fish eaters is a lot of fun. Enjoy!

All the Best,

Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ospreys are back!

Hi All,
Bird reports around the state are buzzing about the return of ospreys to Maine! A pair began visiting the webcam nest on April 4, 2010--Easter Sunday! So far they have been improving the nest and mating. These are great signals indicating their intentions to nest and these birds atre right on track! I'll keep you posted but in the meantime check in on the ospreys at!

All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute

Friday, March 12, 2010

Opreycam is live in 2010!

Hi All,
We are back up and awaiting ospreys in 2010! There was a report of an osprey sighting in southern Maine earlier this week. Hopefully, a pair will return to this location.
All the Best,
Patrick Keenan
BioDiversity Research Institute